Do Enemies on Fire Continue to Take Damage 5e

Thread: Do enemies know they'll take damage from booming blade?

  1. - Top - End - #31

    Darkbru is offline

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    Default Re: Do enemies know they'll take damage from booming blade?

    I�m of the mind that unless the target has a really good reason to know that moving will hurt they�re going to continue to do what they�re going to do. So sure, if you target a seasoned fighter or a magic user if any sort they�re likely to understand what happened and avoid the extra damage. But a common fodder enemy like a goblin or a zombie isn�t going to understand what happened and they�re going to take that extra damage. Depending on the fodder they may continued taking the damage if they aren�t intelligent enough to make a correlation betweeen the shimmering field around them and the ouch that happens when they move.

  2. - Top - End - #32

    Sception is offline

    Bugbear in the Playground


    Default Re: Do enemies know they'll take damage from booming blade?

    The spell produces a tangible, visible effect. Imo asking if npcs should know that barging through it will hurt is like asking whether they would know that barging through a wall of fire or blade barrier would hurt.

  3. - Top - End - #33

    ProsecutorGodot is offline

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    Default Re: Do enemies know they'll take damage from booming blade?

    Quote Originally Posted by Malisteen View Post

    The spell produces a tangible, visible effect. Imo asking if npcs should know that barging through it will hurt is like asking whether they would know that barging through a wall of fire or blade barrier would hurt.

    There's no indication of what "booming energy" is. It could simply be an of sound around the creature, it could be some invisible force that puts up resistance or it could just be shimmering air that offers no resistance but becomes volatile if you break through it. It would be discernible that something is affecting the creature, but unless they're experiences the effect before they wouldn't have any inclination of the trigger or effect.

    This is a Rules Answer on Discerning Spell Affects:

    Do you always know when you�re under the effect of a spell? You�re aware that a spell is affecting you if it has a perceptible effect or if its text says you�re aware of it (see PH, 204, under �Targets�). Most spells are obvious. For example, fireball burns you, cure wounds heals you, and command forces you to suddenly do something you didn�t intend. Certain spells are more subtle, yet you become aware of the spell at a time specified in the spell�s description. Charm person and detect thoughts are examples of such spells.

    Some spells are so subtle that you might not know you were ever under their effects. A prime example of that sort of spell is suggestion. Assuming you failed to notice the spellcaster casting the spell, you might simply remember the caster saying, �The treasure you�re looking for isn�t here. Go look for it in the room at the top of the next tower.� You failed your saving throw, and off you went to the other tower, thinking it was your idea to go there. You and your companions might deduce that you were beguiled if evidence of the spell is found. It�s ultimately up to the DM whether you discover the presence of inconspicuous spells. Discovery usually comes through the use of skills like Arcana, Investigation, Insight, and Perception or through spells like detect magic.

    That's why the question comes up, "Sheathed in booming energy" doesn't give a clear indication that a creature sheathed in such energy would be harmed by it. The spell isn't necessarily inconspicuous but nothing about it gives a clear indication that movement would trigger the effect. I think it's easy to assume a creature would know since we as players know, and it seems obvious because of that, but there are so many things that "booming energy" could do and be triggered by that a creature in world might not know in the moment how it's triggered. The easiest and quickest way to learn is to make a guess and hope it's not wrong.

  4. - Top - End - #34

    OvisCaedo is offline

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    Default Re: Do enemies know they'll take damage from booming blade?

    The way it functions in-universe doesn't really make ANY sense from anything other than a gamist standpoint, anyhow, so maybe it's best to just treat it as one and pretend people somehow know. You're surrounded by energy that will hurt you if you move on purpose! Though obviously this only corresponds to changing your entire location, swinging your arms around to attack people through the vague energy field doesn't set it off or anything. Neither does being shoved or pulled through it by any number of effects! In fact, according to ol' JC, even walking around in the exact way that would set it off normally DOESN'T set it off if the act of movement is caused by some kind of magical compulsion.

  5. - Top - End - #35

    Tanarii is offline

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    Default Re: Do enemies know they'll take damage from booming blade?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Diaz View Post

    Once again, the dammed, the corrupted and the insane are more likely to fight to the bitter end.

    This puts far too many players neatly in their place. It's all too common for them to have their PCs fight their way right into a TPK, or possibly with one very fast or stealthy escapee.

    Of course, it is possible to train players to understand their PCs aren't invincible and there is no assumption their PCs will live. But it means having to un-train years of other table's bad habits.

  6. - Top - End - #36

    Sception is offline

    Bugbear in the Playground


    Default Re: Do enemies know they'll take damage from booming blade?

    "Most spell effects are obvious" to me implies that "targets understand whats going on" should be the default when a spell could be read either way.

  7. - Top - End - #37

    Tanarii is offline

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    Default Re: Do enemies know they'll take damage from booming blade?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beelzebubba View Post

    For all we know, it could feel like you're wrapped in a field of energy that starts to damage you as soon as you move, so you have immediate tactile feedback that standing still avoids being hurt. That has as much support as 'they feel nothing' because nothing has been said.

    The thing to keep in mind is it only damages if they move, the game term, not if they move, the common English term. They can still attack, lie down or stand up, or do jumping jacks. The booming energy that sheaths them doesn't hamper them at all.

    This is a particularly 'game-y' spell imported from another edition that focused on mechanics over in-universe explanations, without much thought put into turning it into a 5e spell. But that's true for all four SCAG cantrips. And usually I'm fine with that ... but the edition it's imported from had a hard rule to deal with that game rule focus over in universe explanations: creatures always know the mechanical effects they are under. 5e doesn't have that rule.

    Quote Originally Posted by Malisteen View Post

    "Most spell effects are obvious" to me implies that "targets understand whats going on" should be the default when a spell could be read either way.

    Given the examples given (quoted again below), that's not necessarily the case. All of them are: the thing has already had an obvious effect on you; not: you can tell what the effect will do to you.

    I mean, being sheathed in booming energy is clearly an obvious effect. Knowing what it will do may or may not be. In 5e, it's not immediately clear this should be the case. Or shouldn't.

    "For example, fireball burns you, cure wounds heals you, and command forces you to suddenly do something you didn�t intend."

    Last edited by Tanarii; 2018-05-25 at 06:44 AM. Reason: combining multiposts

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